Yesterday, i was able to watch the new movie Avatar in 3D. Before I even got there, I was not in the best mood because my mother and I got in an argument before we got in the theater. So it did not begin on a good note. To add, we arrived a few minutes late and missed the beginning of the movie. So, when we walked in, we were not focused in on the movie. But, eventually the movie caught our attention with pure amazement. All the beautiful creatures, plants, and scenes were a true spectical to see indeed. I seriously was done after I saw the scenery. Now, if you include the characters and storyline, that was complete icing on the cake.
The characters were picked very well and the love story that came along with the movie sold it for me. If you add in the storyline, pure amazement. With all these aspects that were great, the controversial part was the setup of the movie. It was literally like going back in time and watching Christopher Columbus try and kill off Native Americans so he can take their land. It was literally the same scenario. The only reason why I allowed it was because the ending made everything better. Ill let you see the movie for yourself so I dont give anything away.
The movie went from depressing and racist in a sense to uplifting and controversial. Although this movie would be considered a sci-fi/action type of movie, I can see this movie being used to teach younger people about the ways of life and how to overcome tough times and prove to others what you are worthy of in this world. I left the movie theater uplifted in a sense like I can do whatever I want regardless of the downs I get in return.
My Opinion: Go see the movie and be uplifted in a way you wouldnt have thought of. Keep an open mind and remember its simply a movie.
Over and out.
Wednesday, December 30, 2009
In The Sleepbox: Pledgee
So, this come around I am in my sleepbox trying to get a good vibe of dreams going on and I awaken in my ex-girlfriend's apartment. For some reason, it is just her and I just hanging out. All of a sudden I get a phone call. On the phone, Trey Songz...??? Yea I was thinking the same exact thing. So I am on this call with him and I am confused as to why this guy just called me. For some background of my ex-GF, she is in a Carribean Fraternity and Sorority. The first of its kind.
On this phone call, Trey Songz begins asking me weirds questions, like "So how long have you been interested?" "What year did I graduate from college?" "What was my major in college?" I am just thinking to myself, what????? Why is this guy asking me random questions about himself? Interest? Interest of what??? Did you even go to college????
Then I look at my ex in confusion because I tell her Trey Songz is on the phone and she starts grinning and I am just thinking you cannot be serious. I am not interested in joining a fraternity and my ex has gotten Trey Songz to call me about joining? Is he even in the fraternity?? I woke up after my ex girlfriend began grinning at me. So I woke up with complete confusion.
Then, out of no where I am coaching with Joe Pa during a football game. The big issue with this is I am not even watching the game!!
I dont even know how to take that dream. Maybe someone else understands and can explain it to me.
On this phone call, Trey Songz begins asking me weirds questions, like "So how long have you been interested?" "What year did I graduate from college?" "What was my major in college?" I am just thinking to myself, what????? Why is this guy asking me random questions about himself? Interest? Interest of what??? Did you even go to college????
Then I look at my ex in confusion because I tell her Trey Songz is on the phone and she starts grinning and I am just thinking you cannot be serious. I am not interested in joining a fraternity and my ex has gotten Trey Songz to call me about joining? Is he even in the fraternity?? I woke up after my ex girlfriend began grinning at me. So I woke up with complete confusion.
Then, out of no where I am coaching with Joe Pa during a football game. The big issue with this is I am not even watching the game!!
I dont even know how to take that dream. Maybe someone else understands and can explain it to me.
Monday, December 28, 2009
Moral Monday: Suicide
Recently in local news, a man around my age, about 24, jumped to his grave from a bridge. To be exact, he landed on the roof of another restaurant. That is something I never want to witness god forbid. My heart goes out to the family for their loss and I wont use his name in anyway out of respect for him and the family because the news decided they want to gobble up the story and use it to up their reviews. But, the reason I want to talk about this is because of how selfish an act of suicide really is. Keep in mind, this is how I feel about suicide and if you feel I am wrong in the way I am thinking please tell me because my whole point of this blog is to learn from others through what I know already.
To commit suicide, in my opinion, is like killing off a piece of everyone's heart that has grown to love you. You are taking away 9 pounds of love she WILLINGLY chose to lug around in her belly. You are taking away something your family shares so much love and memories with (good or bad). You are taking away a legacy of the family. You are taking away you.
As you grow up and mature, one realizes that your existence is because of another human being, biological or not. As a baby, you cannot do anything for yourself. You must be fed, cleaned, given attention, etc. As you grow up, you begin to gain your independence (I hope) and want to find yourself in whatever way that is. Along the way, you meet people very similiar and very different to you. The people you meet grow to hate or love you. Through these people, bonds are also made. As you progress through life, you will come across more and more people that may influence you or vice versa. It is through these people where selfishness is made from an act of suicide.
Think about this, some people walk through this world never knowing what it is like to be loved or show love because of their previous experiences. Others are UNWILLINGLY killed before they even have a chance to experience the world. Even more individuals walk life in very unfortunate circumstances where they live day to day just to find food to stay alive. So, to hear someone decided to take their life saddens AND angers me at the same time. In all seriousness, if they didnt want the life they had anymore, give it to somebody who would actually cherish it. Give it to someone who it might benefit the most.
Life is a gift in itself. Having the ability to live a life and do with it what you please is something beautiful and many people take this exact thing for granted. Dont get me wrong, I have friends who have/are gone/going through depression and its something they must live with. But the point I want to make is they are living with it, trying to not let it bring them down to a point like that because they know how beautiful life is. They understand the opportunities they have and what they can do with those opportunities. They also know how their loved ones would feel if they were to commit an act like that. This is why an act of suicide saddens but angers me because the person who committed the act completely forgot who it could affect, why they are important in life, and what they have to live for. But, if you forgot all of that maybe you should evaluate the situation you are in so you can remember who you are leaving if you leave this world by your actions.
Moral: Suicide is avoidable. Remember where you come from, where you are going, who you would be leaving, and why you are needed in their life
Sunday, December 27, 2009
In the Sleepbox: Murda!
This was a pretty interesting dream I had the other day. I think it might have been the fact I accidently took a pill and had a drink or two so who knows. Anyway, I fal asleep like any other time and I wake up in a dream where I am with my design group for a class I was taking. I think we were putting together a live model of an assignment we had to complete. I dont really know why because all we had to do was make a 3-D model of our project which so happened to be a gun. One of my groupmates begins putting the gun together and while he is doing it, threatens to kill me!
At first, I thought he was kidding and then he starts pointing it at me and I start freaking out hardcore. I immediately run out of the room and blockade myself into another room. I turn to find out as I am in the room, the other people in my group are down to kill me as well. I am completely freaking out right now in order to find something to blockade the door because I have no clue where this is coming from. Shortly after, I wake up.
I think I had this dream because I feel as though I did not contribute to the group as much as I could have or was asked to and it just bothered me in some way. I really think this is a wild way to show me I felt bad or had an issue with it but I guess it had to be this way.
Saturday, December 26, 2009
One Year Anniversary!
Today is my one year anniversary with my MacBook Pro 2.53Ghz Intel Core 2 Duo Processor with 4 Gb of memory, 320 Gb of Hard Drive, and a NVIDIA GeForce 9400 Graphics card. Baller status if I say so myself. I gave my old computer two years before I gave it away in working condition so I actually expected two more years out of that baby. So I am expecting at least four more years out of this beauty before if decides to shut down on me all together. I appreciate the good time and I will never forget!
Setback Saturday: Teaching Stuff
Is it so hard to know when you are a good or a bad teacher? Seriously, if I am paying tons of money to get a degree so I can continue with my life and career, can I at least have teachers who actually care a bit about the students they serve? My mother is a teacher and she is one teacher I can honestly say cares for her students. Through think and thin, she is still there to give incite and teach no matter what happens.
I just wish the money I am giving was the level of teaching I received back. That's all I am saying. Sheesh.
Setback: Understand this world is all about how much money you can get, not how much money you give out can get you in return.
Friday, December 25, 2009
Thoughts on Blogging
I really enjoy having the opportunity to speak out on a public site that is my own about issues I really have about the world. I really enjoy mixing my blog up wit funny stuff (Sleepbox) with more deep things (Solo Dolos, Uprising, SideBar). I just want to let out as much things as possible about myself and about things I have learned in life even though I have not been on this earth for very long.
If there is a topic you guys are interested in discussing that is a serious matter in your opinion let me know. PLEASE I beg of you. I urge for more things to write about/blog about, spill knowledge about. I dont want to write about dumb things because that simply hurts our society more if someone reads it. I want to write with a PURPOSE. This blog is for a PURPOSE, not just to be a blog.
Again, thank you for your time and have a great day of new toys and love and family. Merry Christmas again.
If there is a topic you guys are interested in discussing that is a serious matter in your opinion let me know. PLEASE I beg of you. I urge for more things to write about/blog about, spill knowledge about. I dont want to write about dumb things because that simply hurts our society more if someone reads it. I want to write with a PURPOSE. This blog is for a PURPOSE, not just to be a blog.
Again, thank you for your time and have a great day of new toys and love and family. Merry Christmas again.
Christmas Catch!
Just got myself a new catch for christmas! Dan Brown's "The Lost Symbol." I am already excited to read it because I know it will open up my thoughts to things about this world I wouldn't have thought of alone. I will keep you posted throughout.
Happy Holidays Everyone
Thursday, December 24, 2009
In the Sleepbox: One Night Stand Mishap
DISCLAIMER: This is all a dream
So I travelled over to a friend's apartment to hang out as well as study for an exam we had coming up. When I get over there, its late and parties have already erupted all over the apartment complex. In my journey of avoiding the drunken plague I come across her apartment and venture in. Her roommates are also there so we end up hanging out and doing more talking than studying. As the night gets later and later, I get ready to leave but realize I live entirely too far away to get home so I ask if I can spend the night at their place since they had an extra couch and everything. They all agreed but one of her roommates offered her bed instead...Me being a guy, my first reaction is why not? I am not thinking that something may happen between me and her roommate but at the same thing it lingers in the back of my mind. As I enter the room, I see a girl sleeping in the room on the floor. She awakens as we enter and I notice it just so happens to be a high school friend I havent seen since we graduated. It was easily one of the most random experiences I ever had in a dream.
When she wakes up, she says hi and leaves. And right when she leaves and closes the door behind her, I wake up never knowing exactly what was about to occur that night. So in reality, is that considered a one night stand even if I didnt see it happen but the girl was giving me obvious signs such as flirting with me during the night and then offering me into her bed? I will never know will I. Hmmmm
I think this dream simply meant I was in need of attention possibly? Or intimacy from someone new? Dreams are amazing and that is why I want to let people know about mine!
So I travelled over to a friend's apartment to hang out as well as study for an exam we had coming up. When I get over there, its late and parties have already erupted all over the apartment complex. In my journey of avoiding the drunken plague I come across her apartment and venture in. Her roommates are also there so we end up hanging out and doing more talking than studying. As the night gets later and later, I get ready to leave but realize I live entirely too far away to get home so I ask if I can spend the night at their place since they had an extra couch and everything. They all agreed but one of her roommates offered her bed instead...Me being a guy, my first reaction is why not? I am not thinking that something may happen between me and her roommate but at the same thing it lingers in the back of my mind. As I enter the room, I see a girl sleeping in the room on the floor. She awakens as we enter and I notice it just so happens to be a high school friend I havent seen since we graduated. It was easily one of the most random experiences I ever had in a dream.
When she wakes up, she says hi and leaves. And right when she leaves and closes the door behind her, I wake up never knowing exactly what was about to occur that night. So in reality, is that considered a one night stand even if I didnt see it happen but the girl was giving me obvious signs such as flirting with me during the night and then offering me into her bed? I will never know will I. Hmmmm
I think this dream simply meant I was in need of attention possibly? Or intimacy from someone new? Dreams are amazing and that is why I want to let people know about mine!
SideBar: Forgetting Dreams
I really hate forgetting dreams that were amazing. I woke up today with a really crazy dream to talk about and before I could write it down, I feel back asleep. This angers me greatly! I love remembering the dreams I had because they hold so much meaning behind what my inner thoughts speak about me. OK I am done with my rant on my sleepbox anger. I hope everyone has a great Christmas Eve and stay safe!
Tuesday, December 22, 2009
In the Sleepbox: Spock
This was by far the craziest dream I had in awhile. I dont know what I was on to have a dream like this but it happened. I dreamed I was on the space ship used in Star Trek and I was a recent recruit. I had the full suit on looking like the nerdiest space trooper out there. All I remember is suddenly in between training, a massive rave party broke out. My close friends show up and its a straight rave. Next thing I notice, the part is filled with all girls other than my friends and I. What I was not so happy about was the quality of women around me were not very par I say, but we still had a good time....kinda. After a decent amount of time I remember hearing a noise and going into a serious trance where I had no idea what was going on and all I could do was stare at a light coming from out of the wall and put my right hand up and do the spock sign while reciting gibberish I dont remember. Easily the craziest dream I ever had.
SideBar: You Hungry?
Things like this bother me very much. I am about to go out and have a good time back home. I went to a main area where a large majority of bars and clubs reside to have a good time. Of course, wherever you go you are bound to see a bum or crackhead pop out at some point in time to cause issue. As I walk to a bar with one of my friends, we pass a supposable bum sitting on a ledge by a restaurant. I say supposable bum because this guy didnt have grummy clothes on. It seemed like he sat there just to chill but decided to bring out a cup and sit it in front of him to hope for the best. As we pass, I am assuming he sees a person eating something delicious. He yells out "Hey bruh, you gon' eat that?" As I heard this I could not believe what I heard. How do you ask someone for food like that? I could not get over that? I dont think he realized how bad he actually looked doing that.
Whats makes me giggle about homeless people in general is the fact about why they are homeless. People will give them money to start over and get a move on with their life but they will take the money and go to the cornerstore to buy a forty. Or they will go to a drug dealer and buy some drugs. I never understand people when I see them give money like that because it is never worth it. When you think about it, how hard is it really to survive in the United States? In reality, if you stick to the normal job and normal life, it is not very hard.
I heard of a "homeless person" in a suburb close to my home make over a thousand dollars a day simply by holding a sign that says he is homeless. What is funny is that the guy doesnt even look homeless in any way shape or form. In fact, he easily drives to that spot on a daily basis and sits back and relaxs while money is reeled in. People like that anger me greatly.
SideBar: Stop giving money to people who will not benefit you or themself in any way shape or form.
Whats makes me giggle about homeless people in general is the fact about why they are homeless. People will give them money to start over and get a move on with their life but they will take the money and go to the cornerstore to buy a forty. Or they will go to a drug dealer and buy some drugs. I never understand people when I see them give money like that because it is never worth it. When you think about it, how hard is it really to survive in the United States? In reality, if you stick to the normal job and normal life, it is not very hard.
I heard of a "homeless person" in a suburb close to my home make over a thousand dollars a day simply by holding a sign that says he is homeless. What is funny is that the guy doesnt even look homeless in any way shape or form. In fact, he easily drives to that spot on a daily basis and sits back and relaxs while money is reeled in. People like that anger me greatly.
SideBar: Stop giving money to people who will not benefit you or themself in any way shape or form.
Moral Monday: Views = Goals
I was having this discussion with a friend of mine about how people decide the type of life they choose to live because of what they have grown to experience. Since everyone’s life experiences are different, it makes sense to want to pursue different goals in life. I used myself as an example. All my life, I wanted to be either an engineer or an architect. My reasons from this were because I want to provide for my family, I enjoy having things I want, and money is good to have. Now crossing this with my views on life in general, I noticed some interesting things happening. I feel that you must live your life as crazy but as safe as possible. Party hard but know when to stop. I must always make prime decisions when dealing with big events. I cant stand individuals who don’t know what they want in life because I know exactly what I want. Opportunities missed are another person’s gain, So with that said, I try not to miss an opportunity unless I am unreal nervous about the situation.
I also believe technology is key. Without constant change in technology, what else is there to look forward to. Nothing else changes, people don’t change in terms of the type you meet. Clothes dont change, they just keep getting smaller and tighter. Drama certainly does not change in the least bit, always the same stuff. So with that said, technology is the key to changing the way we live in this day and age.
Coming with being an engineer comes weight in terms of money. Being an engineer puts you in a position requiring great responsibility in terms of ethics and projects that can spend great quantities of money. In turn, having great responsibility includes benefits financially with this. It is nice to know as an engineer, one can be financially stable if they please. Also, money does not bring happiness but it can bring other things to you that may bring some happiness. Although having money brings stability in this day and age, it will still continue to be the root of all evil.
Lastly, I also feel that technology is fun to mess around with. I am a nerdy individual so technology is always a commodity with my life. Unfortunately, there are individuals who do not see eye to eye with my views.
Now, my friend on the other hand is a Rehabilitation Services major. This individual grew up in a very different way than I ever will experience growing up. Through their experiences, they have grown to believe in family always being first even when done wrong. They believe people should have someone who would be willing to help them out or talk to them when needed, hence the rehab major. Also, this comes from having people close to them that may have needed help in this type of way. From all of this, this person has a need to want to help other. I am not saying I do not want to help others. I was just put in a position where I have been provoked to the point of wanting to really assist other in that fashion. Keep in mind, I did want to study psychology because the human brain and the way people act really interest me but I realized engineering was more of an interest.
From this, I conclude that the views of individuals truly equate to the goals people go for in life. Everyone’s life is different so everyone’s goal will never be exactly the same. This keeps everyone unique and allows everyone to benefit this world with this skills they have attained from their experiences. This is why having a society with people who have know soul or uniqueness would never suffice. In order to progress in anything, one must experience struggle.
Moral: Live by what you have live and believe, not by what you see.
I also believe technology is key. Without constant change in technology, what else is there to look forward to. Nothing else changes, people don’t change in terms of the type you meet. Clothes dont change, they just keep getting smaller and tighter. Drama certainly does not change in the least bit, always the same stuff. So with that said, technology is the key to changing the way we live in this day and age.
Coming with being an engineer comes weight in terms of money. Being an engineer puts you in a position requiring great responsibility in terms of ethics and projects that can spend great quantities of money. In turn, having great responsibility includes benefits financially with this. It is nice to know as an engineer, one can be financially stable if they please. Also, money does not bring happiness but it can bring other things to you that may bring some happiness. Although having money brings stability in this day and age, it will still continue to be the root of all evil.
Lastly, I also feel that technology is fun to mess around with. I am a nerdy individual so technology is always a commodity with my life. Unfortunately, there are individuals who do not see eye to eye with my views.
Now, my friend on the other hand is a Rehabilitation Services major. This individual grew up in a very different way than I ever will experience growing up. Through their experiences, they have grown to believe in family always being first even when done wrong. They believe people should have someone who would be willing to help them out or talk to them when needed, hence the rehab major. Also, this comes from having people close to them that may have needed help in this type of way. From all of this, this person has a need to want to help other. I am not saying I do not want to help others. I was just put in a position where I have been provoked to the point of wanting to really assist other in that fashion. Keep in mind, I did want to study psychology because the human brain and the way people act really interest me but I realized engineering was more of an interest.
From this, I conclude that the views of individuals truly equate to the goals people go for in life. Everyone’s life is different so everyone’s goal will never be exactly the same. This keeps everyone unique and allows everyone to benefit this world with this skills they have attained from their experiences. This is why having a society with people who have know soul or uniqueness would never suffice. In order to progress in anything, one must experience struggle.
Moral: Live by what you have live and believe, not by what you see.
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